A few days ago

i need help knowing what to annotate in lord of the flies?

for my preap/gt class, we got a sheet for our summer homework. it just said to annotate lord of the flies. i was wondering what sorts of stuff i could annotate? i’ve read the book, but i need more ideas, because i’d like my annotations to be useful, not just random words. i’m going into the tenth grade btw.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

To annotate is to furnish with critical commentary or explanatory notes. It doesn’t sound like you have to write a single essay, but to provide commentary on individual points the book makes. In other words, brief paragraphs will do.

The story is an allegory, and you could devote much space towards explaining the many allegorical elements. For instance, you could discuss the symbolism of the conch.

For every character, you could discuss his role.

Ralph is the central character. How does he change in the course of his novel–he goes from an almost naive role to one of hardened maturity, doesn’t he?

And what about Jack Merridew, his chief rival? You could discuss this rivalry.

What is the role of Simon and Piggy? Is Simon like Christ in any way?

Your annotations could contain your interpretations.

How is the setting relevant to the story? Could you place the same story in the middle of London or New York? Why does Golding place his story removed from all other civilization?

Follow your own instincts. When reading anything–but particularly this work–ideas come to mind. Don’t be afraid of your ideas–explore them. And write them down. Your instincts are the best guide to your annotations.


5 years ago
Annotations can include anything from simple summarizing to taking short notes on themes and plot. For Lord of the Flies, I would suggest a focus on symbolism. Lord of the Flies has some kind of deeper meaning to everything from the conch to Piggy’s glasses. To Kill a Mockingbird is a bit more difficult. Since it is a bildungsroman, follow the way Scout grows up and matures throughout the book. Other than that, make notes on key plot points throughout both and note everything you think is interesting or possibly important.

A few days ago