A few days ago

I need help finding an article about typical things that many people today don’t know?

My english teacher is offering extr acredit for sumamrizing articles about anthing that he doesn’t yet kneo about…please help out..since i am not going to tell you the things he knows and doesn’t know, please only provide information that a lot of people don’t know..ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Write about communities such as Yahoo Answers, Answer.com.

How they work, what are the disadvantages and such issues can be covered.


A few days ago
This is a very vague question. What kind of articles? Research and Method articles, qualitative/quantitative articles? Scholarly essays?

But in any event, I would go with something from history. Its a pretty safe bet that there is something in history that he doesn’t know about.

Lets see, what is interesting with history– how about going to JSORS or Ebsco and look up the origins of communism. The concept of communism actually came from Spartan society. Sir Thomas More’s novel “Utopia” (Greek for “place that does not exist”) took all his concepts for the society of Utopia from the Spartans.

Just one concept you can go with.