A few days ago
first comes homocide

i need algabra help?

the question is :

y\2 + 5 = -12

im really not good with fractions.

and could you tell me the rules of positive and negative #’s

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
William Fu

Favorite Answer


2(Y/2+5)=-12 X 2



Negative -negative=negative

negative+positive= the difference between the two numbers, the sign follows whichever number is farthest away from zero

negative X or / positive= always negative

Negative X or / negative=positive


A few days ago
example for positive and negatives:

-10 +5 = -5

-10 is bigger than 5 so therefore, the answer will be negative. Whenever u have different signs (+ or -) u subtract. U add signs that are the same (+ +) (- -).

10+ -5= 5

10 is the bigger number so therefore your answer will be positive because 10 is positive.

to do this equation, the first step is to subtract 5 from both sides.

for example:

y + 7 = 23

– 7 -7


y= 16

ok then, u would divide both sides by the fraction or number

For example

1/4y or y/4

1/4y= 16

= 1/4y divided by 1/4 = 16 divided by 1/4

y = 4

y = 4 because you cancel both of the 1/4 in the first side and then you divide in the second side.

This is what you have to do in this equation. I hope this helped and if you have any questions, feel free to email me at

[email protected]

I hope this helped!


A few days ago
Remember two things in these type of problems:

1- to solve for a variable (y), get it alone on one side of the equation. You can do this by elimiating numbers with their opposite mathematical operation. (see below)

2- What ever you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other.

y/2 + 5 = -12

We want to remove the 5 first, so we must subtract it from both sides of the equation (the opposite of addition is subtraction). Adding a negative number is the same as subtracting a positive number

5 – y/2 + 5 = -12 – 5


(-5) + y/2 + 5 = -12 + (-5)


y/2 = -17

Now we want to remove the 2 and get y alone “y/2” means “y divided by 2” so we have to multiply by 2 to get y alone.

2 * y/2 = -17 * 2

y = -34


A few days ago
y/2 +5= -12

y/2 +5-5= -12-5

y/2= -17

y/2 *2= -17*2

y= -34

The idea is to get the y by itself. So you do the opposite of what’s in the equasion. first we have to get rid of the +5 so we -5. But what we do on one side, we also have to do on the other side. So, we subtract 5 from the other side as well. Then we have to figure out how to get y/2 to be just “Y”. the opposite of division is multiplication, so you multiply y/2 by 2 (y/2 *2/1 = y). But, again, we have to do the same thing to the other side. so we have to multiply -17 by 2 which = -34.

neg x pos = neg

neg x neg = pos

pos x pos = pos


A few days ago
It might be y=-34 but I did it as mental math, so don’t trust me at all.

A really easy way when adding or subtracting, and dealing a positive and negative number is just to subtract the smaller from the larger number, and the sign is the sign of the larger number.

Example; -5 + 8 = 3


-33 + 13 = – 20


A few days ago
you objective here is to get y= . so you need to subtract 5 from both sides, which will give you y/2= -17. then you have to multiply both sides by 2. so you end up with y= -17 x 2. which gives you 34.

the rules of positive and negative numbers…

when you add a positive number to a negative number larger than itself, you will end up with a negative number.

when you multiply a negative number by and even number (2, 4,6,8…) you will end up with a positive number because the negative cancel each other out.

if you want more…ask.


A few days ago
Firstly, you have to move the unknown at one side and the known values at the other side. The rule is that whenever you move a value or number to the other side of the equation, you have to

1) change its sign.

2) reverse the “work”. Eg: from multiplication to substraction and vice versa.

In this equation, you have to move +5 to the right. Therefore, you have to change it’s sign and it becomes -5.

y/2 = -12 -5

y/2 = -17

Next, you have to move the value 2 to the right. For this, multiply everything on the right by 2.

y/2 = -17

y = 2*-17

y = ……..



A few days ago
y/2 + 5 = -12

Subtract 5 from both sides.

y/2 + 5 – 5 = -12 – 5

y/2 = -17

Multiply both sides by 2.

2 * (y/2) = 2 * (-17)

y = -34


A few days ago
Ok, so. What you gotta do is this:


in order to do that, you have to:

subtract five from -12.

that gives you -17.

then you have to multiply -17 by 2.

that gives you -34.

Rules for postive/negative numbers:



n+p=add, take sign of larger number.

n+n=add, answer is negative

n-p=add, answer is negative.

n-n=change the – to + and change the 2nd negative to a positive, then follow rules for n+p

n*p=multiply, answer is negative.

n*n=multiply, answer is positive.

n/p=divide, answer is negative.n/n=divide, answer is positive.


A few days ago
Pretty Maggie Money Eyes
first of all, learn how to spell algebra LOL.

It would be -12-5, which would be -17….. and the rest someone else will surely help you with, cuz everyone knows I didn’t pass algebra. Good luck! 🙂