A few days ago

how do i drop an egg without it smashing?

how do i drop an egg without it smashing, i have to do this for a school project =P

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


1) Empty soup can

2) Jello

3) Bubble wrap


1) Wrap egg in bubble rap

2) Mix jello according to package, pour into soup can

3) Duct tape the soup lid on

It works everytime. πŸ™‚


A few days ago
You’ll want to slow down the rate that the egg falls towards the ground, along with giving it minimal room to move around once impact occurs. Its when impact occurs and the egg has room to move that it can cause damage.

First, I’d recommend hard boiling the egg. It doesn’t change how hard or how easy the egg breaks, it will still break the same as a regular egg, but it just keeps the area a lot cleaner in case the egg does happen to break. Then, make a special container for the egg, like an old soup can, or a small tupperware container. Next you will want to put something inside of it to keep the egg from hitting the sides or bouncing off the bottom, like jello, tissues, bubble wrap. Cover the bottom first, then set the egg inside, and cover the sides of the container. pack it good because if that egg bounces with the impact or hits the side, you will have a broken egg. Then when the sides are covered, put something over the top to keep it from hitting the lid.

You will also want to make something to lower the speed that the container goes towards the ground, like a parachute. Best of luck on your homework! Keep us up to date on what works for you πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Try supporting it in a hammock of sorts, it should have enough room to move around in the box without smashing into the side (use rubber bands)

You can also try a box filled with bubble wrap or packing peanuts.

tie it to a very large helium balloon, one that is just barely weighted down by an egg…that way it will float slowly to the ground.


A few days ago
Only thing I can think of is get a BIG 5-gallon bucket pail and fill it with water, set it down on teh ground and droppen da egg in it.

Might not be perfect but the egg shouldn’t smash, so long you don’t miss the bucket lol, might try it at home first for a test drop grins πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Put it low to the ground or cover it in something. One of my friends taped an egg to the inside of a helmet. It fell to the floor without a crack. It was amazing! or you can try wrapping it in straws. Ive done this. But make sure that when you wrap it, the whichever side it lands on, the will be something to break the fall before the base of the “bumper” hits the ground. It WORKS trust me!

A few days ago
Ummmm luck?

At school we always built little containers that would protect an egg from smashing if you dropped it, is that what you’re talking about?

I always just wrapped the egg in a bunch of stuff and built little parachutes for it. xD


A few days ago
Angie C
Put it in between 2 big sponges and tape the sponges together at the ends or something similar so the egg doesn’t fall out. I did this experiment in elementary school and this idea worker very well. We even dropped it off of the roof at my school and it didn’t break.

A few days ago
drop it on a pillow…..or if you really wanna get into it….i dont remember if this works or not but if you poke a hole with a needle on each side of the egg you can blow onto one side and all the contents should come out….you will then have a hollow egg….see if that works…..or you could hard boil the egg and drop it…it will crack but not smash…..

A few days ago
You already have a school project? Neat! Anyway drop it on something soft, like a pillow or something. Drop it close to the ground, not high up. Wrap it up in something, like bubble wrap.

A few days ago
You want to cushion the impact. by wrapping it in bubble wrap, having it surrounded by soft sponges, packing peanuts, etc…

The idea is the egg’s acceleration is slowed by the compressibility of the cushions as opposed to the very sudden impact of the ground.

If you’re allowed to make a parachute that reduces the velocity of the descent (and thus the acceleration of the impact).

Good luck.