A few days ago

I need a summary of a current issue between Native Americans and the federal government.?

Identify the legislation that you think is linked to the issue, and explain why you think there is a connection. Consult the National Congress of American Indians Web site, the Indian Country newspaper, or another online source for examples of pertinent issues.

Someone please help me with this assignement!


Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

HUGE issue going on RIGHT NOW.


There’s several Follow ups. The web and scope of this is HUGE. If this bill passes and the FEDS get their way, things will go BAD VERY VERY FAST. The indian wars never ended, they just changed battle fields.

Short version. A sovereign nation decided who they’re going to recognize as citizens. Another country has decided “your wrong, and if you don’t do what we want, we’re going to cut you off”

This dian watson sponsored a bill to TERMINATE the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.


A few days ago
If you consult the website you listed, there is a link for current issues. Pick one. Read it. Educate yourself. It’s not that difficult.

A few days ago
Some of the big issues are casinos and fishing rights,here in WI. anyway.