A few days ago

i need a great opening line for my essay about how geograph, religion, and motives defie a settler’s lifestyle

this essay is supposed to be about lifestyles of colonists deffered

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Kidd Shobaka

Favorite Answer

It can be said that life as we know it in America would not be such without the settlers and colonist. Decades ago, three major discoveries of America were made. Those of the Asians whom migrated over the Bering Strait to hunt and gather food. Later on was the Viking trip and finally that of Christopher Columbus.

Between Columbus’ trip to America and the Vikings trip the world was undergoing, what is now called The Middle/Dark Ages. Little to no discoveries were made. A matter of fact the only real major discovery was the all water route to Asia around Africa. Though this discovery was made by Portugal and soon all other countries became jealous. In turn Christopher Columbus set out with the sponsorship of Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand to find another route, he chose west.

And so began the discoveries of great things. America was once “discovered” by Columbus and Queen Elizabeth “Virgin Queen” wanted piece of the new found land. She sent out her men to start a colony and the created Roanoke which was later lost, and still remains a mystery. Two groups of people began migrating, Pilgrims and Puritans. The pilgrims wanted to separate from the church and were nicknamed separatist and the puritans wanted to purify the church. Due this Jamestown was established, and soon other colonies due to disagreement with religion.

An example of this would be Anne Hutchinson who left the colony started by the Puritans because she believed you did not have to go to church to be holy.


A few days ago
four feet six
Are you saying defy or define; deferred or differed?

A few days ago
start it with a question.. or a mini-example story

A few days ago
obey under my throne