A few days ago

I’m moving on campus for college…Any advices on the dorm life?

im moving into an apartment style dorm room, single room, and two baths, and im sharing the apartment dorm with three other girls.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Ah! Those are the best kind of dorms, especially if you enjoy privacy. There are some dorms on my campus that house 5 people in 1 room… with a living room and 1 bathroom. Those suck!! I was in one like that with 4 girls… that only lasted 2 weeks, then I moved into the kind you’ll be in. Dorm life is fun if you enjoy being really social, waking up in the middle of the night for fire alarms, and having to sit threw your RA talk about stuff that really doesn’t apply to you. lol. (I didn’t like dorms) But a lot of people do. I suppose it’s good for making friendships… out of all of the people I lived with or lived down the hall from I only talk to 1… and he’s my boyfriend.

But I truely did enjoy having my own room… with a door, and a lock. This way if one of my roomates were being noisy I could always close my door and put headphones on to drown out their sound.


5 years ago
You are free to kneel when praying the Rosary, especially if you find that conducive to prayer. Though, kneeling is not necessary when praying the Rosary. You can pray silently, with a whisper, or out load. Again, whichever you find most conducive to your prayer style. If you are concerned about your roomate rejecting to your praying the Rosary, you are free to pray silently or with a whisper. You should already be doing this anyway when praying the Rosary but I would recommend that you remember to meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary as well. Sooner or later, a Protestant may challenge your praying the Rosary. You can show them that the Rosary is, far from being a Marian “thing”, you are actually praying the Gospel when praying the Rosary – and what Protestant is going to reject the idea of praying the Gospel, right? Since there aren’t many Catholics on this campus, perhaps you can suggest, to the few you know, the possibility of maybe getting a Catholic “prayer group” or social club together every so often so, among other things, pray the Rosary as a group. A group of Catholics is less likely to be “bothered” by Protestants than when praying individually.

A few days ago
That sounds like a really nice dorm. You’ll have lots more space. I don’t think you will have the typical dorm experience… my guess is you will probably get to know your roommates better but it won’t be as social as a typical freshman dorm, for example. Such an atmosphere will probably be more conducive to getting some work done. Don’t let anyone interfere with your schedule. Leave the common area clean out of politeness towards the other girls.

A few days ago
Dan in Real Life
Make sure you can find your personal space. You have no idea how valuable it is until you have to share a room with strangers. I believe my best dorm experience was when I was living by myself, no TV, no distractions, I could sleep and study whenever I wanted to, and it was fantastic. It’s not the same with roommates.

A few days ago
lock your personal stuff, load up on some snacks and simple foods like mac and cheese and cup o noodles and ramen noodles, and above all, was your dishes and the bathroom often. You’d be amazed how easy it is to get sick away at school. If you at not a big party or people person, find a place where you can relax when you want to be alone or away.

A few days ago
–Be respectful. Don’t have crazy loud sex when they’re studying next door. Don’t play really loud music at 2 AM–or even at 10PM if they’re still sleeping.

–Be open. If something is bothering you, don’t be passive aggressive about it. Talk to them so you can work it out.



A few days ago
Cup o noodels, hide your stuff, and be cool with your roomies

A few days ago
Bring lots of condoms.

A few days ago
bord styf
ear plugs

A few days ago
get used to pooping around others