A few days ago

I’m doing a critical analysis on Edgar Allan Poe but it is so boring how can i stay focused.?

I’m doing a critical analysis on Edgar Allan Poe but it is so boring how can i stay focused.?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Try to think of being bricked into a wall, as in The Cask of Amontillado, rather than of talking with a raven.

A few days ago
Gina D
There are three bariers to study:

Lack of mass, misunderstood words, and too steep of gradient. One of these three reasons, or a combination of any are the reason you cannot stay focused.

I would first start by clearing the words “critical analysis.” By ‘clearing’ I mean, go get a dictionary, look up what each word means, and make sure you have a CLEAR understanding of each. Then, I would find out who EAP is, what he did, etc.

Then make sure that you look up any words in what you are reading about Mr. Poe that you may not know.

I would read a paragraph or two about him, and then quiz yourself on your understanding.

If you are confused or can’t ‘stay focused’, there is a word there that you do not understand.

Go back, find the word, and look it up in the dictionary. Make sure you understand the word, or words, you are not familiar with. (These could even be common words, that You may THINK you know, but may not).

It may also be that you have a ‘lack of mass’. By this I mean, there may be many things in EAP’s biography that you may need a visual to understand what you are reading.

Maybe doing some sketches or demos of what you are reading may help you have a clearer concept.

Lastly, what class is this for.. (as I’m assuming this is not for kicks), Just curious, since

Maybe EAP is too steep a gradient for you, and should figure out what it is before you had to do a critical analysis of Edgar Allan Poe that you do not understand.


A few days ago
ya i know what you mean last night i had to read The Odyssey for school and it was so boring that i actually fell asleep. So i would say dont sit on your bed while doing your work (it makes you fall asleep. i know) and just get it done and just think that when you are done your gonna be really happy. Thats what i do, think of the positive.

A few days ago
he was creepy