A few days ago

i hav a psychology project on dreams can any1 help me in making this and finding the information?????????????

i hav a psychology project on dreams can any1 help me in making this and finding the information?????????????

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

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A few days ago
easymf co in
Probably you can contact a dream expert at websites like http://askexpert.info/

A few days ago
Try these:




A few days ago
Synchronicity in Dreams and Adversities (Predestination)

Since the Dawn of Mankind man has been trying to decipher what dreams are made of, also the Mystery that is God. God has given thousands of men a tiny iota of Truth but a tiny bit of Truth is truth but not the WHOLE TRUTH. No one knows the Whole Truth, A thousand of the greatest Scholars coming together cannot begin to decipher the Glory that is God.

This answer is scripted from theory by me, in connection with “”””dreams”””””,……. dreams while one is asleep as against dreams during your Conscious Awareness ( aspirations and dreams)

I consider my answer to be the TRUTH but others may think that it is ”whacky” because of their lack of knowledge of the TRUTH. God is God and their is no other God but God, “”””””ipso facto””””” God is Spirit and there can be only one Spirit . Psychology is developed as a Science because “””””Sigmund Freud””” wanted to know what makes man TICK, why is man in a human body, and why does man BEHAVE the way he does?. Freud did not fully understand what he was looking for, but was groping and trying to obtain answers as to why there were so many personalities of (in)Sylvia. DREAMING is a ”””FACT of life””” and originates from the same source as your INTUITION, namely your SOUL, ultimately from GOD.

“Man know thyself? Be still and know that I am God.” Face the FACT, unless you accept the fact that God is God, and that you are part and parcel of God, then you might as well forget about trying to decipher where dreams come from. You will be forever guessing and be in denial. ”””I know “” that ””Predestination is a Fact of Life””’ and your Soul provides in your ””dreams”’ the ”’Key”” that tells you how your DESTINY will unfold ( forcasting your future) as pre-ordained by God. (This is my TRUTH but many will debate it )

In the above I have already linked dreams with intuition, the Soul and God. Consider the fact that if you follow your intuition you will ”’never go wrong”’. Now I will attempt to connect Phychology with God. You may have heard of “Synchronicity” What I am going to say now may be the most CONTRAVERSIAL thing you may have heard so far. Synchonicity is your SOUL speaking to you, and your Soul does this via synchronicity in DREAMS and ADVERSITIES (predestination) which you experience in your LIFE .Jesus spoke in parables and people can interpret what JESUS “said and did” in a ”””””gazillion”””” different ways. Dreams and Adversities ””””’are like”””’ the words of Jesus in every way, they can be interpreted in a “””””gazillion”””'” ways. ””’Which one will you choose, which one will the fountain choose….. Your Soul is “one with God”, your “Soul is God” but God loves you so much that he (GOD) can do no wrong. He gave to us , his only begotten Son to teach us that “GOD IS LOVE” ( to seek the lost sheep), ””””’Which man will give his own life for the love of mankind?”””’. ”””’Who can find the right interpretation of the PARABLES of Jesus,?””””’. ””’ Who can find the right interpretation of your dreams (adversities)?””. ””””’Believe it or not”””’ ..ONLY .YOU CAN and God!!!…, ”””’all you have to do is to look at ”’SYNCHRONICITY”’, viz, what is the connection in your life, try to DECIPHER what is the message GOD (YOUR SOUL) has given to give you. via,””””your DREAMS and your ADVERSITIES (destiny). ””””’HOW DO THEY SYNCHRONIZE WITH WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE?””” ”'” We learn the most by our own mistakes””””, but if someone should preach PETER,/ PAUL to you from now to never weary morning , it will go into one ear and come out the next ear.

Do you think that God is going to come to you “In the burning bush” like he did to MOSES. NO!! God speaks to you via synchronicity in “”””dreams and adversities.””” recall only you can decipher the message, only you know what you are experiencing in your life. Do you have Fear, Rage, Shame, Hurt, Despair, Anxiety, Blame, Guilt, or the flipside, Forgiveness, Peace. Love, Harmony, Truth, Fellowship and Goodwill to all men.?

kazi e.c.