A few days ago

I had to choose a product that South Korea Exports? I need some help with the research on this topic.?

how does South Korea’s location, climate, topography, and natural resources affect thier export of steel?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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We won’t do your homework, but we’ll guide you toward doing it yourself.

Where is South Korea in relation to the buyers for its steel? Would it travel to market by land or sea? Do it have to go far?

What’s the climate like where the steel is milled and shipped? How might the climate impact production or shipping? Consider stress to machinery due to heat, cold, humidity; bad roads due to rain, snow; washed-out roads due to earthquake, mudslide; heavy seas.

How might the existing topography affect the mining of ore, the movement of ore to mill, the movement of finished product to buyer?

What natural resources are needed to make steel and move it to market?

Once you determine the overall answers to these questions, you have more specific things to search for as you do your research.