A few days ago

i dont understand how to do this english thing?? someone answer?

my english teacher assigns weird things. i dont nderstand how to do it. here it is:

Meet my (common noun), the really amazing, truly tremendous, (proper noun), thats who.

You can see what (abstract noun) he gives

The (collective noun) of fans who hang on him like glue.

The walls of his gym are (proper noun)

are covered with (concrete noun) that show

the muscled, tussled (common noun) aplenty,

who work out there, come rain or come snow.

Eduardo, (proper noun) and i really enjoy

the (abstract noun) of hanging on tight

Way above the (concrete noun) and swining,

held up by the muscleman’s might

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Meet my LAB PARTNER, the really amazing, truly tremendous, JEEVES, thats who.

You can see what BRAVERY he gives

The CROWD of fans who hang on him like glue.

The walls of his gym are THE COLLISEUM

are covered with PEPPERMINTS that show

the muscled, tussled SUGARPLUMS aplenty,

who work out there, come rain or come snow.

Eduardo, MISSY and i really enjoy

the FEAR of hanging on tight

Way above the MEADOW and swining,

held up by the muscleman’s might

If you English teacher made that up, she’s not very smart. It didnt make that much sense. But maybe that was the point?


A few days ago
I think your teacher is probably wanting you to vary the way you write.

A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

There are several types of nouns:

common nouns are ordinary everyday things such as “school”, “bike”, “friend”, “breakfast” etc

proper nouns are the specific titles or names of people or places and start with a capital letter, such as: Jacob, Mississippi River, Great Britain, Chicago, George Bush etc

collective nouns are words which show that the ‘thing’ is made up of lots of smaller parts, such as flock (made up of birds), school (made up of fish), herd (made up of cattle) etc

abstract nouns are things which exist but cannot be seen, usually qualities that people have, such as honesty, bravery, courage, fear, love, hatred, etc

concrete is not a term I have heard of, but I presume it means a thing which is able to be seen, touched etc – the opposite of “abstract”.

I hope this makes sense and helps you to work out the task.


A few days ago
haha you’ve got some english teacher xD

all i know is common noun is something like cat or dog. proper noun is a name of a famous person or place, like Jane Austen or the White House.


A few days ago
how to do it is to replace the words in parentheses with the type of noun so described so it makes some semblance of sense in the context of the sentences. surely you discussed in class the differences between those different types of nouns.

A few days ago
all you have to do is fill in the blanks with whats in parenthesis example 1 Meet my (common noun) would be meet my friend, brother and so on

A few days ago
Jennifer B
Its just like Mad Libs, fill in with your choice of the Given type of word.

A few days ago
i think ur supposed 2 fill it in…