A few days ago

I don’t know about directions?

I know how to read a compass or a map, but how the heck can you tell without a compass even if lets say it’s the a.m. and the sun rises from the east but my problem is standing towards the sun and rotating my body even 20 degrees just throws me off so how the heck can you know exactly what direction your standing in and how can you tell at night?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You will never really be able to tell exactly which direction you are facing, even with a compass. The compass gives a reative direction by pointing at the positive pole of the earth. The sun is fairly accurate while rising or setting. At night, you could navigate north and south by the stars, but this requires a knowledge of which constellations are where, like the North Star being a part of the hadle of the Big Dipper. Unfortunately, the constellations are really just stars. There are no lines between them in the night sky. Knowing which way the wind usually blows can be a guide and clouds tend to move in a certain direction, though not always, in certain places.

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A few days ago
You use the sun as a gauge. If you know the terrain well enough you can use those as guides (like the mountains are north of me so if they are on my left, I’m going east).

At night – you use the north star as a reference point. The rest of the constellations rotate about that point.


A few days ago
Thomas M
The sun rises in the east. If the rising sun is to your right, you’re facing north, if it’s to your left, you’re facing south, etc.

At night, you can look for the North Star, which is (obviously) to the north. You’ll need to know how to find it, of course.