A few days ago
sahar k

I am writing a paper about animal rights and my paper is missing an introduction.?

Could anybody help me to come up with 3 or 4 sentence for the intro???

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
~ Floridian“

Favorite Answer

Protecting the lives of animals is something we humans are being charged with today, more than ever before. Since we are the more intelligent species, it is only right that we become proactive in their defense and try to reverse the many centuries of needless killings before their extinction.

A few days ago
Animals are living creatures with an existence that would be wrong for us to end. Animals came on to this Earth just like us, and to destroy the Animals would be like violating our own security. Animals may have a slightly lower intelligence but so do our handicapped beings, and it would be wrong to kill them. To destroy the animals would mean disrupting the life chain.

Something along these lines. Try to modify some of these sentences?!


A few days ago
It is your paper and you should make it your own. Use the introduction to explain your personal feeling on the subject and then have the rest of the paper support you conclusion while providing the other sides opinion.

A few days ago
“Animal rights are becoming a problem today. Animals have rights just as humans.”

Something like that?


A few days ago
Tiggy want’s a bit…..
In the name of animal rights! who shall we bomb and burn next???…seems thats what some allways do….just to get there own way….

A few days ago
Why animals are useless for anything else than food and shouldn’t have any rights.