A few days ago
Eric K

I am studying a field plot in Bio. class. I compared my field plot to another group yet there was low?

*there was low similarity. of the 16 species we both had, only 3 were similar. I expected us to have greater similarity because our plots are both in the margin of the woods and only 50 yards apart. Yet they have way more species than we do. what could be reasons for the lack of similarity???


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
don’t plagiarize

Favorite Answer

several variables need to be taken into consideration.

a–how big is each plot. we are assuming they are both the same size

b–what was the condition of the ground prior to the start of the experiment? were they both tilled, poisoned, fertilized, aerated?

c–what is wind direction from the “woods) the plots are near?

what is make-up of the wooded area nearest the sample plots? are there differences in the plant life in each of those areas as well

there are many more variable to be considered. think about it a while and you will come up with a list of about fifty


A few days ago
its very possible they would not be similar. given that there are only 2 sample spaces the chances of different answers are greater than if you had like 10 plots worth of information

so don’t assume that someone did something wrong