A few days ago

How to start a compare and contrast essay?

I’m doing this essay for compare and contrast of Wiliam Bradford and John Smith. A 5 paragraph essay.

Now the teacher said he doesnt want anyone to start the first paragraph with “I’m going to compare and contrast J. Smith and William Bradford…blah blah blah. ”

So how should I start the first paragraph without using that as the first sentence??

I need help..

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Paragraph Outine:

#1 William Bradford and John Smith were two interesting men, who had an important impact on American history.

#2 Give a brief history about who they both were.

#3 Describe their similarities.

#4 Describe their differences.

#5 Summarize their good & bad qualities or their effect.


A few days ago
I don’t know who either of them are, but it would make sense to start with something like: “William Bradford and John Smith are two prominent figures in……” Start by establishing their common ground, and end the intruductory paragraph by stating that they are, in some ways, different. Then use the rest of your essay to explain how.

A few days ago
OK, so I started to google with “What is a thesis?” and it came up with: “What is a thesis….statement, sentence, essay, paper, paragraph…..?” So I suggest you google it and find what you need to do.

You could just start writing about one of them and go on to the other. You could start off with something catchy like “Did you know that John Smith…….?” and then go on. Maybe you could google something like: How do I begin a compare and contrast?

(I find it hard to believe that people don’t know who they are. OK….I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.)


5 years ago
I can’t help you WITH the essay cuz i aint read them 😛 but the best way to start is to make a circle diagram, or whatever they r called that the circles overlap and whatever. then go threw a thesaurus and looks for fancy synonyms that will impress your teacher. then make sure u meet the word/letter quota if there is one.

A few days ago
i dont know who they are but im sure this may work. you could try this…

j smith and w. bradford are two people with similar aspects to there life and some major differences. …


A few days ago
Start with information/points about one of these gentlemen. Then in a later paragraph, you can say ‘these qualities are also shared by ______”. “On the other hand, qualities such as ________ _______ ______ are in stark contrast to those of ___________ (the other guy)……

just my 2 cents… hope its helpful


A few days ago
Just start discussing one of them, history or whatever, then go into the comparison with the other character.