A few days ago

how to do my best at school?(how can i be an A1A student in grades)…?

how can i become the best student in all my classes, im an average b-c person right now but i want to be an A person. i have tried studying but is doesnt work/help and i need a strategy to improve plz help all answers appretiated!!!!!ty

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. Make a “To Do” List Every Day.

Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. If it’s easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. And don’t forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.

2. Use Spare Minutes Wisely.

Get some reading done on the bus ride home from school, for example, and you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

3. It’s Okay to Say “No.”

If your boss asks you to work on a Thursday night and you have a final exam the next morning, realize that it’s okay to say no. Keep your short- and long-term priorities in mind.

4. Find the Right Time.

You’ll work more efficiently if you figure out when you do your best work. For example, if your brain handles math better in the afternoon, don’t wait to do it until late at night.

5. Review Your Notes Every Day.

You’ll reinforce what you’ve learned, so you need less time to study. You’ll also be ready if your teacher calls on you or gives a pop quiz.

6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep.

Running on empty makes the day seem longer and your tasks seem more difficult.

7. Communicate Your Schedule to Others.

If phone calls are proving to be a distraction, tell your friends that you take social calls from 7-8 p.m. It may sound silly, but it helps.

8. Become a Taskmaster.

Figure out how much free time you have each week. Give yourself a time budget and plan your activities accordingly.

9. Don’t Waste Time Agonizing.

Have you ever wasted an entire evening by worrying about something that you’re supposed to be doing? Was it worth it? Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just do it.

10. Keep Things in Perspective.

Setting goals that are unrealistic sets you up for failure. While it’s good to set high goals for yourself, be sure not to overdo it. Set goals that are difficult yet reachable.

Consider these tips, but personalize your habits so that they suit you. If you set priorities that fit your lifestyle, you’ll have a better chance of achieving your goals.

Homework Tips

Set the Mood

Create a good study area with all the stuff you need (for example, a dictionary). If you don’t have a quiet place at home, try the school or local library.

Know Where to Begin

Make a prioritized list of everything you need to do, so you can’t use “I don’t know where to start” as an excuse. Just don’t over-schedule yourself. Without some flexibility, you’ll set yourself up to fail.

Study at the Same Time Every Day

Even if you don’t have homework, use the time to review notes. If homework is something you accept as part of your day, you’ll approach it with less dread. Plus, you’ll become a pro at using time productively.

Keep Things in Perspective

Know how much weight each assignment or test carries, and use your time accordingly.

Get More Involved

Ever feel like you can’t stay awake to read something, let alone process it? Keep your mind from wandering by taking notes, underlining sections, discussing topics with others, or relating your homework to something you’re studying in another class.

Organize the Information

People process information in different ways. Some people like to draw pictures or charts to digest information, other people like to read out loud or make detailed outlines. Try to find the best methods that work for you. Ask your teacher for recommendations if you’re having trouble.

Take Advantage of Any Free Time

If you have a study hall, or a long bus ride, use the time to review notes, prepare for an upcoming class, or start your homework.

Study with a Friend

Unless it’s too distracting, get together with friends and classmates to quiz each other, compare notes, and predict test questions.

Celebrate Your Achievements

Reward yourself for hitting milestones, or doing something well.

If you have concerns about the amount or type of homework you have, you may want to talk to your teacher, advisor, or counselor.


A few days ago
Sorry to break it to you, but they only way to be straight-A is to study. There is no short-cut to knowing the facts. I would say that the best way would be to get a tutor. A tutor will help you focus and give you the one on one attention you need to understand topics. It is almost 100% guaranteed that if you go regularly to a decent tutor, you will improve your grades. It is all about putting in the time. If you are looking for the ultimate solution, it is to get a tutor. I only say this because it sounds like studying on your own doesn’t seem to be your thing. You need someone to give you tips on how to study (other than flashcards, highlighting, and notecards, which never worked for me by the way) and help you manage your time. Go to your counselor and ask about any tutoring on campus. If not, look in the phone book for study centers in your city. Another to-live-by rule is to DO ALL YOUR HOMEWORK. NEVER miss an assignment. Do all of it. Also, surround yourself with friends that also have the same goals as you. In middle school, it was hard for me to maintain quailty work (even though I still got A’s) because the students around me were not motivated. Then I changed schools and met a group of awesome smart kids, and now I am going to a top 10 college in the US. That is why all the honors students can still get straight A’s even though their classes are harder than a regular course–you have a system where everyone in your class is there to learn. I was valedictorian of my high school (433 students) and I have never gotten a B on a report card, so I have quite a lot of experience with the school system.

good luck! if you really want it, you can get that A!


4 years ago
Grade A hollow. i grow to be the SHInTS! I had to pass to the prinicpals workplace extra while i grow to be a senior than the different time of my existence. My maximum suitable pal and that i might sneak out of the dark room for the duration of photos…pass get a pop and a candy bar…sneak outdoors for a smoke…and on the till now we’d constantly take the huge Qtip bathroom bowl push aside of the janitors cart and throw it in the bathing room at her (whilst she grow to be cleansing) and run. LMAO! i grow to be a jerk!

A few days ago
well you could study a bit harder but this time try to make studying fun study with your friends and do some more stuff to make studying fun and dont let things distract if you get distracted easier go in a quiet environment

A few days ago
Study is first. Participate more, and ask questions.