A few days ago

In your opinion, which of the earth’s spheres is in the greatest danger.?

Please answer with at least 5 or 6 sentences.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Hydrosphere.

All the plastic.


A few days ago
i would say the south ’cause they have already destroyed part of the ozone layer. 4 example ppl in Australia have a higher risk of skin cancer now cause of destruction of the ozone layer down there. Another example is Antarctica, it’s melting at an unthinkable rate over the past few years (that goes 4 the same 4 the Arctic circle). Another reason is all the rain forest that is being cut down in the tropical regions of the world, which is effecting the rate of the carbon-dioxide that is being taken in by the plants and producing oxygen for us. Well that is my opinion on which of the earth’s spheres is in the greatest dager. Thx 4 reading my lengthy answer.

A few days ago
The outer sphere of the earth is in grave danger. Unlike the inner sphere which is protected by warlocks and a dragon, the outer sphere is naked. Well, it is protected by clouds and hawks with a huge wingspan. But this is not enough to protect the outer sphere from the harmful laser beams of the sun. Do not use a microwave without supervision in the outer sphere.

A few days ago
The intelli-sphere… Too many dummies in the world. (not you… I’m just sayin’…)

OK. serious answer. How about the biosphere? Lots of extinctions brought about by habitat destruction, stresses from climate change, pollution, overpopulation, disease, droughts, etc.


A few days ago
the southern hemisphere………..

A few days ago
you mean hemi-spheres?