A few days ago

How exactly is the big bang theory impossible?

i am doing an assignment on the big bang being impossible.

i know that for 1 you cannot get order from chaos lke the big bang suggests but i need more info help please. any links for info will be appreciated as well…

i am christian by the way i believe in creation and that is why i know so little about this subject ,



Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

OK, I will leave the religion out of this. You are trying to prove that the Big Bang is impossible. Is that the assignment, or is that your choice of argument? Better way of putting it would be “Were you told to either prove or disprove the Big Bang theory?”

The theory itself states that there is an exact moment in time where all of the matter in the universe was made. This also brought about movement, time, in essance, everything that we understand to be real. The energy required to do this would be so great that we may never be able to fully understand it.

Now, I do know that CERN, a Swiss research center, has recreated, in a very small scale, the big bang by forcing sub-atomic particles togeather. The amount of energy and the amount of matter (and anti-matter) that they made was far greater than the sum of the particles. In essence, they got more out than what they out in. CERN is also the reason that pages like this exist. CERN created the internet, and without it, we would most likely never interact with eachother.

This itself does not prove the Big Bang, but it does give the theory a foot in the door. Now, your point of “order from chaos”. Who is to say that the universe is in order? There are constant changes and new things happening all the time. You must realize that nature itself will not allow for things to stand still. If something stops changing, nature makes something happen to either force change, or destroy the object all togeather. The Big Bang is an excellent explination and example of nature making things happen.

But, on the point again, stars are forming, exploding, changing. Planets are always moving. Asteroids and meteors are crashing into eachother and changing shape. Commets are being pulled around in their orbits. Things are always happening and changing, therefor, there is chaos from order, not order from chaos.

I know that you wanted to prove that the Big Bang is impossible. The only argument that would work is creationism. The only problem is that creationism can be argued and fought over, simply because creationism itself can not agree on the exact way it happened. Then there are aguments that can be made that are ones personal beliefs and can neither be proven or disproven. This makes it so that the argument will go on endlessly untill one or the other is proven beyond a shadow of doubt.

In essance, science says that the Big Bang happened, and religion says that we were created. The argument will continue untill one is proven. The assignment that you are asking for help on is simply a continuation of the same argument that has been going on longer than any of us have been alive.


A few days ago
Raphael F
I’m an agnostic considering conversion to Buddhism, so I know a bit from going from Christian to Athiest to agonistic to possible Buddhist. Personally, the big bang theory ISN’T impossible. It’s about as possible as the idea of a floating man creating things, and ultimately the argument would be better suited towards (Since you apparently go to what looks like a Christian school) how God could’ve made the big bang happen. See, the big bang doesn’t disprove the existance of God, it just shows that the bible could be wrong. And the bible has been wrong, it’s been wrong about many things, and it’s a very hateful book about someone who wouldn’t ever have hated a thing, Jesus Christ.

I suggest you try and do a report on how the big bang theory could’ve been caused by your god of choice. You might hit upon something big in the bible, and it’s nice to see people thinking differently.


A few days ago
mike b
Even being Christian don’t you think there was a pretty loud noise when God created earth? I am Christian also but also believe a lot of the big bang theories and evolution. I just believe God created it.

A few days ago
♪♪♪♪ mR ♪♪♪♪
well see this………….

William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife Jan and their two teenage children Charity and John. At the age of sixteen as a junior in high school, he first heard the message of the Christian gospel and
