A few days ago

how do you solve this fairly simple math problem?

could i get a step by step explantion if its not too much

2x – 3y = –2

4x + y = 24

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Brian W

Favorite Answer

The key to answering problems like this is to solve for one of the variables first… in this case, the easiest is to find y in terms of x.

4x + y = 24

then y = 24- 4x

So now I can substitute 24-4x in for y in the problem above.

2x – 3 (24 – 4x) = -2

2x – 72 + 12x = -2

14x – 72 = -2

14 x = 70

x = 5

Then you can substitute 5 in for x in the original problem.

4x + y = 24

4 (5) + y = 24

20 + y = 24

y = 4

So x = 5 and y = 4


A few days ago
Michael T
Look at it this way. 2X-3Y = -2 is the same thing as saying 2X = -2 + 3Y if you add 3Y to each side of the equation. So if 2X = -2 + 3Y , then 4X is just twice as much, or 2 (-2+3Y), which is (-4+6Y). Now, we already know that 4X +Y= 24 from the second equation, so if we subtract Y from both sides of that equation, we have 4X =24-Y. Since 4X is equal to both 24-Y and also equal to -4+6y then 24-Y must equal -4+6Y, or 24-Y = -4+6y. Now add a Y to each side of the equation and you get 24 = -4+7Y. Now add 4 to each side of the equation adn you get 28 = 7Y or Y = 4. If Y = 4 then plug 4 into either equation where there is a Y and you find that X = 5. That is 2X-3Y = -2 is the same as saying 10-12 = -2. Voila

A few days ago
There are several methods you can use.

You can cancel one of the variables by multiplying one and making it cancel when you add the two equations. In this case it is easier to multiply the second one by 3 to cancel y, but you could also multiply the first equation by -2 to cancel x

Step 1: 2x-3y=-2 (stays the same)

12x+3y= 72 (result of equation multiplied by 3)

Step 2: 14x=70 (result of adding the equations)

Step 3: x=70/14 (divide both sides by 14)


Step 4: Choose one equation and substitute x


10-3y=-2 (Multiply)

-3y=-12 (subtract -10 to both sides)

y=-12/-3 (divide both sides by -3)

y=4 (positive because negative divided by

negative becomes positive)

So your answers are x=5, y=4


A few days ago
First try to make the x value or the y value cancel out. In this case, we’ll cancel out x by multiplying all the values of the top line by -2.


You get:



Add the x’s together. -4x + 4x = 0. You are the left with:



Add the y’s and 4+24


Divide both sides by 7.


Now plug in 4 for any of the y values. We’ll pick the bottom line, since it’s easier.

4x + y = 24


4x + 4 = 24

Subtract 4 from both sides.

4x = 20

Divide both sides by 4

x = 5

So your answers are (5,4)


A few days ago
2x – 3y = -2 — eqn 1

4x +y = 24 — eqn2

let eqn 2 – 2(eqn 1),

(4x + y) – 2(2x – 3y)= 24 – 2(-2)

7y = 28

y = 4 — eqn 3

sub eqn 3 to eqn 2,

4x + y = 24

4x = 24 – y

=24 – (4)


x = 5


A few days ago
hahah i cant do that and im a freshman….