A few days ago

how do you graph y = 3x^2?

how do you graph y = 3x^2?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

In order to plot the graph of y = 3x^2, you have to plot corresponding values of x and y when they are connected by the formula y = 3x^2. The interesting bit of the graph occurs between the values of x = -3 and x = +3. so, for the values of x of -3,-2,-1,o,1,2, and 3, you have to find the corresponding values of x. it`s called a mapping:

value of x value of y

-3 27

-2 12

-1 3

0 0

1 3

2 12

3 27

On graph paper, draw the x-axis from -3 to +3, and the y-axis from 0 to 27. plot the points that are calculated above, and the join them up with a nice smooth curve. Hope this helps, Twiggy. Sorry, but the mapping diagram isn`t very clear……not turned out as I printed it, hope you can make sense of it !


6 years ago
You will put 3x to the power of two in y1