A few days ago

how do you express this in scientific notation?


a) 6.5 x 10^4

b) 6.50000 x 10^4

c) 6.5000 x 10^4

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I believe it’s a, those zeros after 6.5 in the other answers are unnecessary.

A few days ago
Okay. What you do is count how many places you have to move the decimal to get from 65000.0 to 6.5. That will represent your exponent in the power of 10.

When you make the number smaller like this the exponent is positive. If you make the number larger then the exponent is negative such as .000067

You don’t need the zeros after the 5 because they don’t stand for anything unless you are doing significant digits. So answer would be a)


A few days ago
what you do is you just move the decimal to where it is just after the first number other than 0, which is in this case 6. Then you count the number of digits you passed on your way to get there, which here is 4. So you are left with 6.5 x 10^4. hope that you can figure the rest out from that.

A few days ago
it would be a 6.5 x 10^4 you would not show the zeros thats tha point of scientific notation. what you do is move the decimal place to the left (right if number is smaller than zero) until you have one number before the decimal and the rest behind and it is only writen to one or two places after the decimal the rest you leafe out.

so if you had 5675400.0 you move the decimal place over to the left until there is only one number before the decimal so 5.675400 and then the amount of spaces that it got moved so in this case its 6 it would be 10^6 if the decimal place moved 7 spots it would be 10^7. you generaly dont write 5.675400×10^6 cause that defeats the purpuse of scientific notation

i hope i helped and if you nead help agein just ask you can email me at [email protected] or ask here


A few days ago
a. 6.5 x 10^4

A few days ago
the notation in (a) is the one you would regularly use

in b, even though it is correct, you may get confused later when doing your calculations

c is correct as well

When you place something in scientific notation, unless you are specifically required to carry out to a particular number of significant digits, it is acceptable to use solution (a) and truncate the zeros


A few days ago
#1 Rams Fan
the answer is a hope this is helpful

always get i number to the left then count how many numbers till you get to the decimal and that is your exponent please choose me as best answer


A few days ago