A few days ago

how do you determine the total magnification when using either objective lens on a compund microscope?

how do you determine the total magnification when using either objective lens on a compund microscope?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

on compound microscope there r 2 lens involved in the magnification that’s why its called compound, The first is the ocular lens the one through which u see and the other is objective, the second lens near to the stage, the ocular is always 10x, meaning it magnifies 10 times, while the objective has 4 parts, low power magnifies 4x, middle power 10x, high power 40x and a special lense called oil imerssion 100x. So the image u see is magnified by the occular lense and one of the 4 objective lenses. So to know the magnification power multiply the magnification power of the lenses u r using, if u r using low power 10 occular x 4 objective= 40x, if u r using high 10×40= 400x the rest go with the same order. Hope i’ve helped

4 years ago
Assuming no longer something a 45x purpose will amplify the image 40 5 situations better via the magnification of the eyepiece better via the certainly tube length of the microscope getting used divided via the tube length the purpose grow to be designed for. contained related to an infinity purpose that’s better via the gap the eyepiece is from the tube lens divided via the diastase the microscope grow to be designed to have extremely of the style in tube lengths. In very almost yet no longer all circumstances this fee would be a million. whether in case you elect precise outcomes you need to calibrate the eyepiece end purpose on the microscope you utilize. Gordon