A few days ago

How do I take the “I” out of my persuasive essay?

I’m in AP English Language and Composition in my school. And I’m writing a persuasive essay about affirmative action. My teacher said it was really good but it would be even better if I could take out the “I” from the essay. How do you do this?

My sentence is:

….based on a certain, race, gender or religion. Because of this I am opposed to affirmative action.

My first sentence of my conclusion paragraph is:

I must admit that I do agree with supporters claims that we can not rely on “race neutral” laws to overcome deeply rooted discrimination.

Can anyone help me????? i’ve been going crazy over this for llllloooooooonnngggg time. And my essay is due tomorrow.

any tips or suggestions….nothing stupid please!

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“… because of this, MANY people, including myself are opposed to affir…” etc…


” … The facts clearly agree w. supporters claims…”


“… the facts clearly support…”

“.. the facts clearly sustain what supporters claim..”

Use a Thesaurus, too – they are a GREAT tool! : )

Good luck!

: )

BTW — I lOVE helping out w. stuff like this — here is my e-mail for additional questions/help…

[email protected]

: )



4 years ago
Affirmative Action Persuasive Essay

A few days ago
For the first sentence you wrote maybe something like: These factors lead to opposition of affirmative action.

For your other sentence take out the “I must admit that I do agree wtih supporters claims that” and begin your sentence at “we”.

I’m sure there may be better ways, but without reading the whole thing this is all I could come up with. Just a note, any formal writing should not be written in first person (I). I know it’s difficult to do as I’ve spent the last 2 years working on my degree and having to do it 🙂


A few days ago
Instead of saying, “Because of this, I am opposed to affirmative action”, you should say, “Affirmative action is wrong because…” In this way, you sound more assertive in what you are trying to say in your paper. If you keep saying “I”, your paper is going to sound more opinionated. Some other tips to help you with your paper, is to give facts to back up your belief. Just keep the “I” out.

A few days ago
could you say “Because of this, some are opposed to affirmative action. or if true “many are opposed to affirmative action.”

“Many agree with supporters claims that we cannot rely on . . .”


A few days ago
Well, i cant really say how you should take it out of your essay, but heres a tip:

when reading it over…think about how when you use “I” your reader already knows its you speaking on the subject because it is YOUR essay. With that said, Fix the changes and start out direct on what you were gonna originally say without “I”.

Hope that helped!


A few days ago
you could use the term we or we are so its more powerfull I sounds as if there are more people who feel strongly about it . it has more power . Or you could say instead of I many may be opposed to or better many are