A few days ago

how can i know the true or false testimonials on the internet?

plz plz help there ia a specific product that i want to buy it online and i visit their website and read the testimonials about it and they were great how can i know if those testimonials are true and faithful or they are false and it is just a false advertisement

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

well, google it and look for reviews…

EX: (Viewsonic VX reviews)

go to C-net and look for reviews….

if its an electronic device of any kind www.newegg.com is a good place to look for reviews.


A few days ago
You can’t know for sure until you have actually evaluated the product yourself. Their reviews might be fabricated just to sell the product. The old saying about if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn’t, IS a VERY TRUE statement. Also, what one person thinks is great you may feel is garbage.

A few days ago
Will B
Don’t believe what is on any company web site. Find some group that reviews that product and look there, and also keep in mind that many of those web sites are subsidized by companies. Find an independent group if at all possible. I always use cnet.com for reviews of electronic stuff.

5 years ago
it’s not that it’s dead, woman 39 yrs old and under, just use it everday naturely today without thought. In 1968 the Women’s Liberation Movement (womens lib) was formed, they held a massive demonstrations in front of Parliment buildings, the white house etc. and started burning their bra’s, as stupid as it sounds, they were defying sexist’s laws and the opression that come from it, they held many many demonstrations for a couple of years untill laws were changed, and they got the rights they were demanding. A woman was paid far less for doing the same job as a man, all industry and government useing the excuse a “man is the bread winner”. Even if he were single and the woman working beside him had 3 kids and no man to help support them. This is where your feminist groups came from, except many of us got tired of them because they went to far alot of times and there were those at the top of these movements who were not in it for women but had ulterior motives, such as making a lot of money off the books they wrote, some became extreemists. Today your born into it without even knowing, you grew up where your mom had an equal say in the marriage, in the family, have you never heard the saying a “a man’s home is HIS castle” well it was, when women divorced or the husband left, she got “0” and in family matters or others most lawyers would only talk to the “man of the house” He did not do housework, He rarely helped with kids, He had the final say/ decisions in all matters. Nor was it ilegal for him to beat his wife, cause she was exactly that, HIS (property). There was absolutely no law to stop him, and cops would or could not do anything. So girls today are born into and just live it without relizing it. But in the beggining of the 19th century is where it really started, certain women (can’t remember names) orginized women”s marches, the were called “the Sufrojets” or something very much like that, at first the men made fun of them and laughted it off, but when they did not stop, many men came out to throw things, verbally abuse them and even became violent, many women would return home to recieve beatings and even a few deaths. But they stood their ground untill they won the right to vote because women from all backgrounds started to join the marches, rich, poor, wives of politicians defied their husbands, all ages of women started showing up defying fathers, boss’s, just men in general. Girls today have no idea, because to them they’ve watch their moms, aunts and grandmothers do this all their life and don’t have any idea, i guess they think someone gave us these rights and freedoms voluntarily when we we born. I guess, it’s where the saying comes from “nothing in life is free”.