A few days ago

Helpy homework plz!?


You are working with a volunteer organization in 1917 in Toronto. Your group is packing Red Cross boxes to send to individual Canadian soldiers at the front. Mailing restrictions limit you to a shoe-box sized container for each soldier. Your assignment is to make a list of as many items as you can pack into that box that will make life better easier or safer for the young man receiving it.


Items you send must be invented BEFORE 1917.. shoe-box size..

Anyone got any ideas?? i got a few but maybe some of you can help me out plz 🙂

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Pair of leather wool lined gloves (hands get cold).

Candy bars (quick energy)

Four pair socks (feet are cold and wet).

Foot powder.

Band aids/antiseptic.

Pencil, paper.

razor blades

soap and bar of shave cream

matches and can of Sterno


A few days ago
Blanket, dried foods, first aid kit, flashlight, a newspaper/magazine article about a current cultural event, etc.

A few days ago
soup can possibilly and medical kit E.X. tweezers, band aid, etc