A few days ago

help with making riddles?

ok so for school i have to make three riddles. think of five observations about an object and then form thoem into a riddle. the object can be anything (school apropriate)

heres the example i got:




metal band

one eraser

cylinder shape

written as a riddle:

i am yellow and made of wood

i have a metal band and one eraser

i look like a long cylinder

What am i?

Answer: a pencil

be as clever as you can and make sure its formatted like the example

thanks a bunch!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I can understand you asking for help, but what you’re doing is asking us to actually do your homework for you. I for one think you should do it yourself, then if you get a bad mark you can’t blame anyone else.

A few days ago
I am black and covered with fur.

I have whiskers on each side of my face

I walk on 4 legs.

I have a tail.

I go, “Meow.”

What am I?

Answer: a cat


A few days ago
teenwolf 13
thats a hard one lol