A few days ago

help with history homework ?

1what was life like during the middle ages in europe?

2what changes took place during the late middle ages?

3what was the renaissance

4what events occured on columbus’s expeditions

5describe the debate concerning the impact of columbus’s voyages.

6how did the spanish buiild an empire in the americas?

7how did native americans resist the spanish

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
m deal

Favorite Answer

wow do you just not wanna do any work this semester?

A few days ago
1. life in the middle ages in europe was a terrible time. events like the black plague, the babylonian captivity, the hundred years’ war, and the great schism caused people much pain and death.

2. church was split in two by the great schism, the hundred years’war being fought over the throne to france(or england, i cant remember), and the black death killing off 7. million people at its peak.

3. the renaissance was a revolution in the thought and literature that included more interest in classical literature, music, and art. an great interset was developed in humanism and secular spirit.

i dont know about the rest. im doing my european history homework right now too. LOL


A few days ago
Hello Everybody!!!!
1.The plauge,uncleanliness,harsh taxes,unfair laws, poor peasnts

3.it was a time of rebirth. lots of artist looked back on the greeks and romans for ideas about threr art.