A few days ago

help with a really weird science lab pls pls pls pls?

ok im in 8th grade and in science, we are reviewing the metric system. anyway. the first part of the lab was to measure the lines on the paper and convert the measurements into millimeters, centimeters, meters etc., so anyway when i was doing the lab report i got stuck on the RESULTS sections. my teacher said that we had to write about what happened during the experiment, and what we learned but i dont understand it because we didnt find anything and nothing happened. i was wondering if the things im supposed to write are along the lines of: in this part of the lab, i found out how to convert measurements into mm, cm, and meters. i also found out that you either had to move the decimal point to the left or right to find the correct measurement…..is that the kind of thing im supposed to write?

pls help! im really confused and when i asked the teacher, she didnt explain it any more, she said the exact same thing as before.

thanxx in advance.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The results are usually just your data. Like what were the values you got when you measured the lines? Did the measurements with millimeters and centimeters come out the way you expected?

I think you would save your newfound processes of conversion for the analysis and conclusion sections where you actually interpret the data to something meaningful.

That probably sounds just as vague as your teacher.

Good luck though.


4 years ago
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