A few days ago

HELP!!!VERY SIMPLE!!!10 points best answer!!!Thanks =)?

Match these terms with their respective definitions.

Primativist( ) Realism( ) Naturalism( ) Regionalism( )

A) A style of writing, developed in the 19th century, that attempts to depict life accurately without idealizing or romanticizing it.

B) A literary writer whose style promotes a simplistic or rudimentary approach through characters or sentence structure.

C) A 19th century literary movement that was an extension of realism and claimed to portray life exactly as it was.

D) Literature that emphasizes a specific geographic area and reproduces the speech, behavior, and attitudes of the people in that region.

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a- Realism

b- Primitivist

c- Naturalism

d- Regionalism

I hope I helped you!!!


A few days ago
Amanda M
A. Realism

B. Primativist

C. Naturalism

D. Regionalism


A few days ago
Joe H
A) Realism

B) Primativist

C) Naturalism

D) Regionalism


A few days ago
A) Realism

B) Primativist

C) Naturalism

D) regionalism


A few days ago
A. ) Realism

B. ) Primitivist

C. ) Naturalism

D. ) Regionalism


Some of the answers differ for what Primitivist is.

I can tell you without even knowing the difference of what the words are, primitivist has to be B because it is the only answer that describes a person rather than a style of writing or genre. The ist ending means “this word describes a person” like other -ist words such as activist, lobbyist, or Evangalist.


A few days ago
Hello [funnylove] :

Regionalism :- (D)

Naturalism :- (C)

Realism :- (B)

So , that leaves Primativist as :- (A)

Unfortunately , in a quest to show my honesty , I have made educated guesses .

Sorry , if I’ m wrong .


A few days ago
*\*\venezuelanbeauty /*/
primativist: B, realism: A, naturalism: C, regionalism:D

A few days ago
If it’s so simple then why did you need help?