A few days ago

help tv and ipods?

can someone please help me i have to write a essay. this is what i have to write about “discuss the history of television by writing the similarities or diffrences betweent the process of how telivision was developed, and how anothe new product of your choice might have been developed. include in your essay information on dates and important people in television development.” i want to compare tv development with the development of another product like to ipods, laptop computers or gps systems. who ever helps me will be chosen best answer….Please help

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
math quesiton

Favorite Answer

you can compare how since there is a huge demand for ipods apple has come up with newer models to support the demand just how manufactures come out with bigger and better tv’s because the demand for them is huge. they started out small but then consumers liked it and they both became huge.