A few days ago

help me with this word problem!?

Determine whether the side through the points (2,3) and (11,6) is perpindicular to the side through the points (2,3) and (-3,18).

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
tripped on a cloud

Favorite Answer

The sides are not perpendicular.

If you knew how to use a graph, this problem would be very easy. I suggest you learn quick, because graphing problems will turn up all throughout your future mathematics classes… especially in the higher levels.

If you don’t know what perpendicular means, see the source link.


A few days ago
Anand S
Lines are perpendicular if their slopes are negative reciprocals.

The negative reciprocal for 2 is -1/2. (It’s one over the original number, multiplied by -1).

Find the slope between the two points for the one side and then find the slope between the two points that define the other side, using the slope formula. If the two slopes are negative reciprocals, then the sides are perpendicular. If the slopes are not negative reciprocals, then the sides are not perpendicular.


A few days ago
what you do is find the slope of the first two points and find the slope of the last two points. if its the same that means its parallel and its perpendicular if you multiply both slopes, it equals to -1.

slope is (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)

so the first slope would be 1/3

the second slope would be -3

so if we multiply 1/3 times -3 you get -1

so yeah it is perpendicular


A few days ago
The word help you need is spelled thusly: perpendicular