A few days ago
Double A

Need help with science…plz help!?

ok so its asking about space. i have just to questions but i have no idea what to put!

1. Describe the movement of communication satellite in relation to Earth, and name another object in space that moves in a similar way.

2. briefly describe the structure of the solar system in terms of what orbits what. What are the positions of the Sun, the planets, and the moons?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

movement of communication satellite would be an orbit, other things that move the same way are moons, rocks, dust, debris, ice,(rocks, dust, debris and ice orbit a planet in the form of rings. like saturn’s rings), comets (comet orbits the sun), planets (planets orbit stars)

planets orbit the sun, moons orbit the planets

positions: sun in the center, planets move about the sun, and moons move about planets. so it’s mostly in the order of sun, planet, and moon. but sometimes the moon is between planet and sun, and that’s when you have a solar eclipse

wow so easy, what grade are you in? I was never taught these things elementary school; I discovered these from a book about outer space


A few days ago
Your mom’s so fat it only takes her 20 minutes to make a complete revolution around the Milky Way.