A few days ago

Help me with these problems please?

a. Zsuzanna and Stan share a newspaper route. Zsuzanna can deliver papers three times as fast as Stan. If they work together, it takes them one hour. How long will it take each to deliver the papers alone?

b. Solve the equation

3u^2 = 8u – 5


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a. Zsuzanna and Stan share a newspaper route. Zsuzanna can deliver papers three times as fast as Stan. If they work together, it takes them one hour. How long will it take each to deliver the papers alone?

Let “z” stand for the rate of delivery for Zsuzanna

Let “s” stand for the rate of delivery for Stan

Set up Two equations

z = 3s

z + s = 1


3s + s = 1 —-> s = 1/4 delivery

z = 3(1/4) —-> z = 3/4 delivery


It will take Stan 1 hour to complete 1/4 of the delivery.

(1 hour) / (1/4 delivery) = (x hours) / (1 delivery)

1 / (1 / 4) = x —-> x = 4 hours

It will take Zsuzanna 1 hour to complete 3/4 of the delivery

(1 hour) / (3/4 delivery) = (x hours) / (1 delivery)

1 / (3 / 4) = x —-> x = 4/3 hours

(approximately 1.33 hours)

Final Answer

Zsuzanna = 4/3 hours (approximately 1.33 hours)

Stan = 4 hours

b. Solve the equation

3u^2 = 8u – 5

= 3u^2 – 8u + 5

= (3u – 5)(u – 1)

u = 1, 5/3


A few days ago
put the papers in the bin it will only take a couple of minuets and you can say you have delivered them. You dont need to thank me you are very welcome hope you have a nice weekend.