A few days ago

Help me find the height of a cylinder….?

Cylinder Formula: (v= π • r² • height)

volume= 15 inches/liters

diameter= 6

What is the height of the cylinder?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

So the volume (V) of a cylinder = pi*r^2*h

First thing you need to do is isolate the height (h). Since the height is multiplying with the pi and r^2 you have to divide those from that side of the equation to make them disappear. In doing that you also have to divide them from the other side of the equation (the volume (V)).

So now:

V/(pi*r^2) = h

The radius (r) is half of the diameter. So the diameter divided by 2 equals the radius.

So now:

V/(pi*((d/2)^2)) = h

Plug in the numbers:

15/(pi*((6/2)^2)) = h

15/(pi*(3^2)) = h

15/(pi*9) = h

To simplify your answer divide both the top and bottom by a number they can both be evenly divided by (in this case it’s 3)

So 15/3 = 5 and 9/3 = 3

So your answer is:

5/(pi*3) inches or about .53 inches


A few days ago
if the volume is 15 and the diameter is 6:

15 = pi * 9 * height

thus the height is 15 / 9pi which is about 0.53


A few days ago
Ana A
the height is = Volume divided (π• r²)