A few days ago
Sabrina Devareoux

help! i need a quick definintion, or something! HELP!?

i am supposed to do a reading response page, for the novel im reading for school, and i remember my teacher telling us not to write a summary of what we have read, and she told us what she wanted to write, but i dont remember! do you have any clue what im supposed to write?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

maybe she wants you to make a web type thing….where you put the main idea of a paragraph and the details that go with it

or maybe its a book report…..where you have to write down the characters…and a few sentences of the book…and tell what the book is about

a book report is like a story web except it tells more about a book and its easier to understand

i have no clue what it could be but if you cant remember at all…then just do a book report or a story web and say you thought thats what she meant

if thats not what she wanted then she will be happy that at least you tried….

or if your school has a website…which most schools do…then look at her page and see if she lists the assignments

on our school website each teacher has their own page and they list the assignments that they give out

if your going to do a book report and dont know how then just look it up online…they should have directions on how to do one

good luck….hopefully your teacher will not get mad


A few days ago
Well, considering that I don’t live in your state, don’t go to your school, and don’t have the same teacher, and wasn’t in the classroom at the time…no, I don’t have a clue on what you were supposed to write(:

Maybe it was a type of essay? Perhaps a persuasive, or a response to literature. Or maybe you have to talk about the characters, and give descriptions of them. Or maybe, just maybe, you had to write an essay about the theme of the book. Unfortunatly, there are many types of writing out there, so I’m not sure exactly which one you were supposed to do. Good luck!

PS. I highly suggest calling a friend and asking them.


A few days ago
My reading responses are supposed to be about (and remember I do not go to the same school as you, nor grade, nor state) how the books relate to today. Yours may not be about how it relates to today, though. I would think it might be about how it makes you feel and/or what it means to you. Maybe what the author is trying to share through his/her book. But again I don’t know. Ask someone in your class! Wouldn’t they know?

A few days ago
i haven’t been to school for a while but from memory you’re supposed to write a reflection based on evidence. sort of what your/societies reaction is to the novel, with sourced evidence.

A few days ago
it sounds like you are suppose to relate to the reading. what have you learned from the reading assignment that you can apply directly to your daily life and/or daily decision-making process. how similiar are the characters to people you know and/or yourself. what consequences have their actions created. is this something that you can relate to or is their story something that has no meaning to you at all.

good luck!


A few days ago
Katie B
i thinks it’s something like your response to the reading

what you thought about it …something like that


A few days ago
yep. you are supposed to say… I AM THE CHEESE! AND THE CHEESE STANDS ALONE