A few days ago


I need some studying methods! PLEASE

Im horrible at studying…. and get very squirmy!

I’m studying Science..the heart and respiratory system!

Any ideas on how to study

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Use a highlighter to mark important things. Write it down on paper. Write it down again. Narrow it down to words that will prompt you to remember the material you are studying.

Words like valve should help you remember what you read, highlighted and wrote down.

Finally, make acronyms like VBOBS

Valve, Blood, Oxygen, Breath, Sac < Example.


A few days ago
Before start studying, just sit aside for 5 minutes, close your eyes and concentrate or watch your breathing slowly. While you are doing this you have to take deep breathe in and deep breathe out slowly. While doing this for your mind will take you to some pictures and incidents which you had come accross your life, this is how the mind distracts and makes you to lose your concentrate.

So while the mind distracts you, dont open your eyes in spite just watch what it shows patiently.

when you do this one the thing called as mind will automatically slow done its distracting nature and it will leave you in concentrated and focussed condition.

Then open your eyes, at this time your brain will be refreshed, if you feel that it has not refreshed, then continue the same process for some extra time. Once you come to know your are free then start reading.

While reading highlight some important points, and it possible make a note of that in seperate paper.

If your learning about a diagram always try to trace it from top to bottom, left to right. Make necessary markings like parts and its medical terms. Make short note of the points which you have marked.

After reading close the book and recollect the points and try to write it in seperate paper so that you can find your confident level from self checking.

Since your reading science you can feel the reading words and analyse it by self realisation. Say the function of heart, how does it pumps the blood? how the blood is circulated to all parts of body?, how it receives the blood back from all parts? which are all the mediums required for circulating the blood through out the body? Like this if you question yourself and read then you will never forget what you have read.


A few days ago
Drawing sometimes helps…if you’re a pitiful drawer, trace some of the diagrams from your textbook and color in the different parts. I’m a visual learner, so most of my notes are pictures

Flash cards are another good idea if you have a minimal attention span. You could print out diagrams on your computer and make flash cards for all the things you need to know. ie: make a card with a heart and an arrow pointing to the atrium, another card with an arrow to the aorta…

Science is a little more concrete because you could just think about it. If you’re learning about how breathing works, think about yourself…you breathe in, air goes to lungs, bronchioles, capillaries, heart…etc.

If you can’t sit still while studying…try turning off the computer and sit somewhere really boring, like your basement. I sit in the kitchen staring at the wall, I have the attention span of a two year old…if I’m in the same room as my computer I have to play with it.


A few days ago
I had serious ADD during homework time. I found that typing out questions and making a mock test on the computer really helped me. I would print it and carry it with me, and then read over it while I was doing other things. Flashcards are great too. You can take those with you so you are not tied down to your desk.

A few days ago
Have you tried to make a diagram of the parts and label them? Then, label them again without any help. Also, try flash cards if you are trying to remember the function of the parts.

A few days ago
make your own picture and diagram

change the sentence to simpler one.

when you trying to memorize the respiratory system, touch your own body and try to memorize the position.

maybe that’ll work=)


A few days ago
make notes urself.. dont go for bookish language… dont spend whole day in studying… take adequate rest and go for some lesiure activities.. diagrams are very easy , dont try to copy one in book , go for easy ones.. never learn by rote , just understand… by repeated reading u will surely memorize..

be confident..u r the best…

nothing is impossible…..


A few days ago
leeloo ♥
Flash cards, memorization, acronyms, etc.