A few days ago
_shes royalty.

have you ever had a problem before?..describe it and state it as a question?

have you ever had a problem before?..describe it and state it as a question?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not late on homework per say, since it’s just reading, but sometimes during lectures it takes a little more effort to grasps concepts than it does when I read beforehand. How can I stop procrastinating and just finish it straight through? Why must I continue to answer peoples yahoo questions and keep extending my break times?

A few days ago
Why do people post questions that can only be answered as questions?

A few days ago
Cheeze <3
i have this girl in my class, she hates.. tries 2 make me look bad. i think she hates me cuz guys make fun of her more then me cuz im nice and respectful 2 them as ive been told both of us r a little fat. how do i deal with this?