A few days ago

hai i have the problem for long days?

In daily life i see a lot of new words in my path. but i find a difficulty in implenting such words in my speech.so what can i do to solve so that my english will seems to be furnished and different from others.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There have been scientific studies regarding which is the best way for a person to increase a second language vocabulary.

Tests show that the best method is to read a lot in the English language. Other memorization techniques or taking special classes were found to be effective and worthwhile, so you may wish to investigate a course.

But reading on a daily basis is the best way. Good luck, btw, your English is fairly good, keep working on it. I think you are closer to mastering English than you think.

Ps, according to the studies done in English second language classes found that individuals could pick up the meaning of most words because of their context. In other words your first guess will likely be correct.


A few days ago
it takes time. Work on making a list maybe on some index cards and try to use Let’s say 5 a day as much as possible and then any words you haven’t used sevral times that day keep them for the next day with new ones to replce the ones you have already used alot on the previous day. sooner or later you will have a big stack of words to each day and ones you have already used

A few days ago
Syed Faizan Tariq
I also used to face this same problem but what i did to resolve this issue was……..

Whenever i learnt any new word, learning its meaning is not a big deal but after that i usually frame a sentence of that word……….once i make a sentence on my own this ensure that i have grasped the true meaning and its probable use…….then try to use your word as much as you can in your normal writing & conversations.

if you are done with this, i can assure you that the word will be COPY PASTE in your mind for a long long time……..until it becomes part of your normal conversation.


A few days ago
.. .
try to speak english in ur everyday life

A few days ago
vijey v
you know something i also got the same problem like you…. hmmm