A few days ago
Mme. Auguste

Give the different ways on how resources are used in Home Management?

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Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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.The home is a blueprint for every other group interaction, thus home management is the nerve center of society. if you have intelligent leadership the family will flourish. The relationships between the individuals are the end product or resource produced by the family. Everything else that goes on in the home must ultimately support the quality of that end product. Families supply society with workers, leaders, innovators and nurturers and society must make sure families have adequate access to the resources to do this job. It is an interdependent social contract.

This established, what is needed to turn out a healthy well balanced individual. Basic safety and freedom from fear, adequate nutrition, adequate shelter, protective clothing, basic sanitation, a place to rest and restore our energies, the best education we can afford, adequate mental stimulation for those not yet in school and for a well balanced personality the individual needs to have some control of his own life, some choice and some say in what happens to them.

If all the resources owned by the family are dedicated to this goal then the home is well managed. If resources are diverted into ego satisfaction (IE..fast cars, speed boats, jewelry or entertainment) at the cost of not meeting basic needs of the family members then the household is mismanaged and they weaken their value to society in equal proportion


A few days ago
don’t plagiarize
please give more details

are you talking about how water and electricity are used, or are you talking about the best ways to spend your financial resources