A few days ago

find f(x-1) when f(x)= 5x^2-3x=7?

find f(x-1) when f(x)= 5x^2-3x=7?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Wally M

Favorite Answer

1. Solve equation 5x^2-3x-7=0 using quadratic formula:

x = (3+sqrt149)/10 or (3-sqrt149)/10

2. x-1 = (3+sq.rt149)/10 -1 = (3+sq.rt149)/10 -10/10

= (-7+ sqrt149)/10 same idea for the other root

3 Plug this into the function in place of x

4. F(x-1) = 5[(-7+ sqrt149)/10]^2 – 3[(-7+ sqrt149)/10]

=12 – sqrt149 eventually. Do same for other root.

hint: watch negatives and squaring binomials


A few days ago
no, it means

5(x – 1)^2 – 3(x – 1) = 7

which works out to the rather inelegant

5x^2 – 13x – 1 = 0

and sorry, you’re gonna have to solve that one yourself. Complete the square maybe?


A few days ago
replace x with -1, thats all

and what du mean f(x)= 5x^2-3x=7? -7 or + 7?

anyway, whatever that is, f(-1)= 5(-1)^2-3(-1)±7

solve it yourself.

O, i thought i saw f(-1).