A few days ago
jamesley d

explain an event that was happended in your life?

explain an event that was happended in your life?

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A few days ago

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my family (husband, kids, 3 brothers) went shopping one Saturday morning. Little did we know that this was the day that would change our lives forever. We only drove an hour to a bigger city to shop and as we headed out of town we were immediately pulled over by local police. it was a routine traffic check, so we continued on. we did our shopping and when leaving the store my youngest brother decided to make sure that mom and dad were doing OK. when we called home we were told that the middle sister in our family had been shot and taken to a local hospital. We drove 80 mph down the highway to get to the hospital and were immediately directed to a small room off to the side to wait. I knew then that she was gone and soon a member of the hospital staff came in with a member of clergy. We were told that she had died almost immediately from a gunshot wound to the back.I think this was probably one of, if not the most, miserable family moment in our entire lives.