A few days ago

entity relationship diagram help.?

m lost help , entity relationship diagram. This is for a school project i have to show the relationships between entities, they have to be one to many and not many to many this can be achived by making a link table … ill explain my software im making, its a hotel management software. You can book rooms, view current staff and work out pay.

Table names that i current have are …

“Personnel Details ” (details of each staff member is stored here, name adress etc).

“Wages” (calculates total pay 4 staff)

“bookings” (books and calculates amount payed 4 customers)

thanks 4 any help.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Seems like you are working on a RDBMS (relational database), I fool around with this stuff at work so maybe the “tables” reference threw me off but I am not sure what entity is in the context you are speaking of, therefore not sure what you are trying to do. Maybe add some addtional details, maybe I could help then…???

5 years ago
this is the diagram that contains all the entities(classes or objects) that exist in the “shoppy system” and their relationship with each other…. Its a database thinge and can be made in tools like Erwin