A few days ago
Ali G

Energy / Power Consumption PLEASE HELP homework?

I dont know how to do any of the conversion, or these problem

2. It took you 2 hours to drive to Berkeley and back with a total distance of 100 miles traveled

a) Your car gets 34.0 miles per gallon. How much energy have used for this trip?

b) What is the average power consumption for this trip?

c) We know that energy does not vanish ( energy conservation). Where does the energy go ( consumed) after the trip?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Goethe’s Ghostwriter

Favorite Answer

Reverse order:

Global warming! (energy (gas) converted to CO2/pollution).

Average Power consumption= approximately 1.5 gallons/hour

100mi/34mpg= about 3 gallons of gas.