A few days ago

Energy Conversion?

Im very confused

we are supposed to give 10 examples of energy being converted to another form

i have 4 so far

i rly need help with some more

if you can please tell me the energy being converted

turning a light on

riding a bike

eating food

a rock falling

and if you could maybe give a few other simple examples

You Help Is VERY Helpful

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

here are six:

Cellular respiration


Piston engines

Power stations


Wind turbines


A few days ago
…. every single thing converts energy into another form. i cant believe u can only think of 4 things out of an almost limitless amount of ideas. u must have very little imagination.

A few days ago
jannatul a
Radiators and convectors are types of heat exchangers designed to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for the purpose of cooling and heating. The majority of radiators are constructed to function in automobiles, buildings, and electronics…..usually in cars… ask you parents about it..

nuclear energy .. in bomb

In geology and meteorology, continental drift, mountain ranges, volcanos, and earthquakes are phenomena that can be explained in terms of energy transformations in the Earth’s interior. [5] While meteorological phenomena like wind, rain, hail, snow, lightning, tornadoes and hurricanes, are all a result of energy transformations brought about by solar energy on the planet Earth.

In cosmology and astronomy the phenomena of stars, nova, supernova, quasars and gamma ray bursts are the universe’s highest-output energy transformations of matter. All stellar phenomena (including solar activity) are driven by various kinds of energy transformations. Energy in such transformations is either from gravitational collapse of matter (usually molecular hydrogen) into various classes of astronomical objects (stars, black holes, etc.), or from nuclear fusion (of lighter elements, primarily hydrogen)

Examples of the interconversion of energy Electromagnetic radiation is converted

into by

Mechanical energy Solar sail

Thermal energy Solar collector

Electrical energy Solar cell

Electromagnetic radiation Non-linear optics

Chemical energy Photosynthesis

Nuclear energy Mössbauer spectroscopy

Examples of the interconversion of energy Electrical energy is converted

into by

Mechanical energy Electric motor

Thermal energy Resistor

Electrical energy Transformer

Electromagnetic radiation Light-emitting diode

Chemical energy Electrolysis

Nuclear energy Synchrotron

i hope that i ve help you!


A few days ago
Savanna A
A washing machine?

Blow dryer?


Ice skating?

lol, I’m sorry I don’t know what the heck I’m saying…I was never good with science 🙁

A for effort?
