A few days ago

Ecology…..deep ecology?

I am writing a paper on ecology “Deep Ecology” Is there a difference…Between ecology & deep ecology…???? confused…

These were my instructions….just to write a paper on this;

Any words of wisdom?

Thanks 🙂

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Deep ecology is a recent branch of ecological philosophy (ecosophy) that considers humankind as an integral part of its environment. It places more value on other species, ecosystems and processes in nature than that in established environmental and green movements, and therefore leads to a new system of environmental ethics. The core principle of deep ecology as originally developed is Næss’s doctrine of biospheric egalitarianism — the claim that all living things have the same right to live and flourish. Deep ecology describes itself as “deep” because it is concerned with fundamental philosophical questions about the role of human life as one part of the ecosphere, rather than with a narrow view of ecology as a branch of biological science, and aims to avoid merely utilitarian environmentalism.

Ecology (from Greek: οίκος, oikos, “household”; and λόγος, logos, “knowledge”) is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of living organisms and how the distribution and abundance are affected by interactions between the organisms and their environment. The environment of an organism includes both physical properties, which can be described as the sum of local abiotic factors such as insolation (sunlight), climate, and geology, and biotic factors, which are other organisms that share its habitat.

The word “ecology” is often used more loosely in such terms as social ecology and deep ecology and in common parlance as a synonym for the natural environment or environmentalism. Likewise “ecologic” or “ecological” is often taken in the sense of environmentally friendly


5 years ago
I think what we see outside is a direct reflection of our Inner State. We need to see ourselves as an inseparable connected part of the wider universe – joined and always joined. Where we place our attention then becomes an expression of creation in itself if it is done for the purpose of the whole and not as part of a separated and individual benefit. Fragmented we are nothing but illusion but as part of the whole, and wholly encompassing and completely the whole, we become true reality and co-create with, for, and by the whole. So yes to correct the imbalance our attention must tenderly embrace our Inner Reality and our perception of the world then is only a measure of the balance or lack of within. This is a great question which I would usually let through to the keeper or run for my dictionary but you have explained it in a wonderful way that gives more meaning to some of the concepts I have been struggling with. I look forward to reading other answers and more feedback from you. thank you.

A few days ago
The ‘feeling’ I get from this is that we are to think of ecology on a universal level, not limited to water or air alone, but rather how ALL things are inter-dependant on one another!

We must try to imagine what kinds of changes may result of changing the Natural order of things, for our futures sake!