A few days ago
Tickle me emo

Doing a report on suicide methods, just need clarification?

Does overdosing on drugs fall in the category of poisoning?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

good question…i would think so, since it is the toxicity of the drug and/or side effects of the drug that causes death

A few days ago
Yes, In the context of biology, poisons are substances that can cause damage, illness, or death to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by an organism. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, once wrote: “Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison

A few days ago
Depends on how much you take. Or how much you give to some one else. Blue (the cat) says it depends on the drug and its classification. For instance rat poisoning can be used for useful medication. So that is kind of a tricky question. If you give it to some one else, then it is called murder not suicide. But taken with the concept that you wish to cause harm then yes it is a poison…..Finish your depressing report and get out of the house….

A few days ago
No, overdosing is either accidental or suicidal. Poisoning is usually done by someone else b/c it’s an awfully long and painful way to die. I’d think that’s more of a homicidal act.

A few days ago
Dan M
I would think so. Wouldn’t drug overdose be its own category? What other things other then that, would go under poisoning?

A few days ago
Yes. Their system is poisoned, but I don’t see how it’s a suicide method unless intentional and on regular pills, not crack.

A few days ago
Substance Abuse, thats where I would put it.

A few days ago