A few days ago

does anyone know about cognates?

yea thats pretty much it ^^ any info is appreciated.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Sara Li

Favorite Answer

Cognates are words that (1) match each other to some degree in sound and meaning, (2) from a common root in an older language, but (3) did not actually serve as a root for each other.

A few days ago
A cognate is a word in one language, that sounds/looks like its meaning in another language. For example, the German word for “hand” is “Hand.” It’s a cognate.

Sometimes what looks like a cognate isn’t really. The German word “Stuhl” looks like it would mean “stool,” but it really means “chair.” Stools and chairs are similar, but not exactly the same.

Sometimes there’s no relationship at all. The Spanish word “postre” looks like it would mean “poster,” but it really means “dessert.”