A few days ago

Do you think these points are good? any suggestions? (for an essay on TO KILL A MOCKINBIRD)?

im writing an essay on TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD and im trying to prove that Bob Ewell is guilty for the death of Tom Robinson.

these are my points about Bob Ewell and how he is guilty of toms death.

1)He hit mayella and is a shame of the family. He hid himself by accusing tom.

2)Took advantage of her because she is scared of being physically abused.

3)Took advantage of the racial prejudice to make his status become higher.

please give me any suggestions and can you think of any good thesis statement for my essay?? because im really having some trouble crafting my thesis statement.

I really need some feedback so the best answer will be given 10 points!!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

thjose point are fine but ur thesis has to be slighty more polished than ur bullet points