A few days ago

do u know what the nth term rule is?

there are 3 patterns that constist of these number of blocks 7 14 23 can u find the expression that will help me find any of the patterns amount of blocks?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There will be an infinite number of “patterns” that fit only 3 points. 3 points can determine a circle or parabola. If you need this to be a function, you can use a quadratic function or a class of higher-order polynomials.

For finding the quadratic to fit these 3 numbers, take the first & second differences:




Divide the second difference by 2! (2nd-degree equation) to get the leading coefficient: 1. This gives you the equation

y = 1*x^2 + b*x + c. You should now be able to solve for b & c, using the given points. That gives you one equation.

Does that get you started?