A few days ago
Miyuki P

Discuss the significance of the Bill of Rights?

I am using for my English writing class… I need this answer soon..Thanks.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
don’t plagiarize

Favorite Answer

list of freedoms for usa residents. tells govt what not to do

5 years ago
Our political system has been defined by the constitution. It is in no way invalid, it is just not a bill of rights. I was told in my studies of the Australian Government that we follow the Proclamation of Basic Human Rights set down by the United Nations. How can you criticise our health system? At least the poor can get health care here. I know there are faults, like waiting periods and things, but as a nurse, let me tell you, there are far worse places to be in regards to health care than here in Australia. A Bill of Rights isn’t going to cure greed, inflation, homelessness, vandalism, violence or any of the other things you seem to think it will. Sorry, but I felt I needed to tell my viewpoint.

A few days ago
This is a pretty simple question… Homework Help isn’t to do your HW for you but to help you with tough questions.